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RE: propose: dired-isearch.el --- isearch in Dired

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: propose: dired-isearch.el --- isearch in Dired
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 09:07:58 -0700

>     A simple but quite useful extension, which does isearch in Dired but
>     match only at filenames.
> I can see why the operation is useful, but I am not sure that the usual
> isearch operation is so useless that we what to replace it.
> This is the sort of question for which I used to poll the users.
> Does someone want to do that?

I haven't looked at the details, but in principle I have no objection, as
long as this command is not bound to the standard isearch keys.

However, with the recent addition of `dired-details.el', the need for this
is not so great, IMO. I expect that many users will keep Dired details
hidden most of the time, in which case regular isearch searches only the
file names (they are all that is visible). And if you want to search other
than a file name, you just hit one key to toggle the display of details.

In sum, I'd prefer that regular isearch still be bound to its normal keys
(C-s, C-r, C-M-s, C-M-r). I don't really care whether dired-isearch.el is
added or bound to other keys. I probably won't use it, but others might.

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