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Re: Changes to emacs/etc/images/icons/README,v

From: David De La Harpe Golden
Subject: Re: Changes to emacs/etc/images/icons/README,v
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 17:36:32 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080110)

Dan Nicolaescu wrote:
> Will the old icons be installed by default as
> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/emacs22.png ? 
> If yes, that just adds clutter, tools that use icons will not know to
> look for these icon names.

? If they are installed there, I thought the KDE (and GNOME probably)
icon selectors will at least see them?  Won't match to "emacs" based on
name, but if the user decides they don't like the current icon and
manually changes it, it'll be listed in the "system/applications" icon
list in the manual icon selection GUI?

Personally, while I think the new icon is fine, I prefer the old icon on
my own desktop- I like each major app I use to have a significantly
different shape in outline, and with the new icon I've got multiple
round icons (since web browser has been a little globe of one sort or
another for me since the 1990s, though nowadays wrapped in a weasel)

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