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Re: position on changing defaults?

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: position on changing defaults?
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 20:25:41 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.91 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>> It also gives you the rectangle highlighting (which I think most
>> users would agree is quite useful) combined with the ability to
>> use the normal region kill, copy and yank keys also for rectangles.
>> So there's no need to learn a different command set for rectangles!
> Actually, I think the rectangle support is good, although I'd like it to
> be a bit more like the normal region highlighting (e.g. same color, 

That would be ok with me (as the default for a new `rectangle' face).

>                                                                     C-g
> should deactivate it, 

It does!  If not, you've found a bug.  Please tell me how to repeat it.

>                       should be allowed to have 0-width).  


>                                                            The C-g part
> is important: I found it difficult to figure out how to "exit" from the
> "rectangle-mode".
> Also I'm not convinced by the special M-foo bindings 

Some or all of them?
What's the alternative?

>                                                      and the special
> treatment of self-insert-command.  

I find it extremely useful - but of course, it could be an advanced option.

>                                    Maybe it's just that I'm used to it,
> but I find C-x r t to work at least as well if not better (e.g. it's
> not limited to self-inserting keys).

The self-insert-char feature inserts OUTSIDE the rectangle, so
I don' see how it compares to C-x r t?

E.g. to put ( ) around all lines of a rectangle, just mark
the rectangle (top-down), and enter ) RET ( .  Can you do that
faster with C-x r t ?

BTW, M-s is equivalent to C-x r t (I believe).

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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