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Re: Emacs Bazaar repository

From: dhruva
Subject: Re: Emacs Bazaar repository
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 21:28:14 +0530

 From what little I know, there is no bidirectional sync support at
the moment. CVS still appears to be the official repository into which
someone with write access should push the changes. This is based on my
observations of miles getting his code from Arch to CVS.


On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Karl Fogel <address@hidden> wrote:
> Never got an answer to this question:
>  Karl Fogel <address@hidden> writes:
>  >    1) If we commit to ("push to", whatever the appropriate term is) this
>  >       repository, will the changes show up in CVS?  (I'm assuming CVS is
>  >       still considered the master until some official switchover.)
>  It'd be good to know where to commit... :-)
>  Thanks,
>  -Karl

Contents reflect my personal views only!

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