I did some benchmarking in git and bzr repositories of Emacs. Some
numbers: 89711 revisions (by "git log --pretty=oneline | wc -l"), 2825
files. Both repositories seem to have just linear history converted from
CVS repo. Both have the same head revision which is
481c2a1e31f32c8aa0fb6d504575b75a18537788 (git) and
revid:cvs-1:tsdh-20080318180244-lxbzttdnh6ecqbka (bzr).
Repositories/branches are pulled from here:
git: git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs.git
bzr: http://bzr.notengoamigos.org/emacs/trunk/
My system is AMD Sempron 3000+ with 2 GB memory and it's running Debian
GNU/Linux 4.0. I'm using the latest development versions of both git
(1.5.5.rc0.6.gdeda) and bzr (1.4dev). I just measured with 'time'
command how long it takes to run certain commands.
Viewing history
The complete history:
$ time git log >/dev/null
real 0m5.741s
$ time bzr log >/dev/null
real 3m15.708s