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Re: Shell-mode: File completion breaks editing previous commands

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: Shell-mode: File completion breaks editing previous commands
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 11:18:24 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Am Montag, 7. April 2008 07:10 schrieb Chong Yidong:
> address@hidden writes:
> >>> Emacs shell mode allows editing of previous commands. These can then
> >>> be executed by pressing return. Shell mode also allows tab completion
> >>> to expand filenames. These do not work together. If we try to modify
> >>> a previously executed command (to re-execute it with different params)
> >>> and attempt to use filename completion, the beginning of the command
> >>> is lost.
> >>>
> >>> touch foo bar
> >>> echo bar
> >>> Edit the echo command to "touch foo bar" and press return.
> >>>
> >>> produces the following output:
> >>>
> >>> % touch foo bar
> >>> % echo bar foo 
> >>> foo
> >>> % foo 
> >>> bash: ./foo: Permission denied
> >>> % 
> >>
> >> I can't reproduce this on either Emacs 22 or Emacs 23.  Please provide a
> >> more precise recipe, include all keystrokes beginning from emacs -Q.
> >
> > Recent input:
> > <escape> x s h e l l <return> c d SPC / t m p <return> 
> > t o u c h SPC f o o <return> e <backspace> t o u c 
> > h SPC b a r <return> e <backspace> l s SPC f o <tab> 
> > <return> <up> <up> <right> <right> <right> b <tab> 
> > a <tab> <return> <escape> x r e p <tab> r <backspace> 
> > o r <tab> <return>
> >
> > Sorry, I can't see how I can make this much simpler.
> I still can't reproduce this problem.  Does anyone on emacs-devel see
> the bug?

AFAIU that has nothing to do with emacs, but with
file-permissions: `foo' isn't executable, "x" it wasn't set.

Andreas Röhler

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