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VC development [was Re: VC state]

From: Nick Roberts
Subject: VC development [was Re: VC state]
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 17:53:29 +1200

 > If more people join the development, they can be implemented faster,
 > nothing here is complicated, and (except for the stay-local support)
 > does not require knowledge of VC.
 > So this is an open invitation for anyone to join the effort.

Given the long discussions on this list about the pros and cons of different
version control systems, it is indeed disappointing that there is not more
interest in developing VC in Emacs.  Individuals could presumably develop Emacs
just for the backend that they use.  I would think this would be a good way to
get into Emacs development.

Nick                                           http://www.inet.net.nz/~nickrob

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