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Re: bootstrap error: "function definition is void: define-minor-mode"

From: Klaus Zeitler
Subject: Re: bootstrap error: "function definition is void: define-minor-mode"
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 14:34:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (usg-unix-v)

>>>>> "GM" == Glenn Morris <address@hidden> writes:
    GM> Klaus Zeitler wrote:
    >> Loading /vol/freeware/cvs/emacs/head/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el (source)...
    >> ((119303 . 18859) (6456 . 2) (600 . 158) 477278 1034891 (38 . 1) (22 . 
5) (9489 
    >> . 7017))
    >> Loading /vol/freeware/cvs/emacs/head/emacs/lisp/abbrev.el (source)...
    >> Symbol's function definition is void: define-minor-mode
    GM> At a guess, your loaddefs.el file is messed up. In a clean build, I
    GM> expect to see ldefs-boot here rather than loaddefs.

Good guess :-). From what I see, this file will be generated during build.
So I guess I picked a bad moment yesterday when I fetched all the sources.
Today I only did a "cvs update". We build emacs here with a separate build
directory (for different Unix flavors), but I've seen now that the lisp
files will be compiled (and generated in the source tree). On 2nd thought
this makes sense cause the lisp stuff is OS (version) independent. This
morning I wiped out the build directory, but not the source dir. Thus the
broken loaddefs.el from yesterday was still there.
Maybe I need to add a 'make clean' or some such to our build script.
I hope I got this all sorted out now, but please correct me if I misunderstood
Anyway CVS emacs builds now fine again, though it doesn't run. But I'll
write a new bug report about that within the next few minutes.

|  Klaus Zeitler      Alcatel-Lucent               |
|  Email:             address@hidden  |
A day for firm decisions!!!!!  Or is it?

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