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22.2.50; 23.0.60; customize-rogue is too long (emacs -Q)

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: 22.2.50; 23.0.60; customize-rogue is too long (emacs -Q)
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 20:31:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/22.2.50 (gnu/linux)


to reproduce: Start Emacs as "emacs -Q -f customize-rogue".

,----[ <f1> f customize-rogue RET ]
| customize-rogue is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `cus-edit.el'.
| (customize-rogue)
| Customize all user variables modified outside customize.

Expected behavior (because of -Q): empty list

Current behavior: Many "CHANGED outside Customize;"

,----[ Emacs 22.2.50 ]
| Baud Rate: [Hide Value] 19200
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| The output baud rate of the terminal. [More]
| Groups: [Display]
| Completion Ignored Extensions: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| Completion ignores file names ending in any string in this list. [More]
| Custom Raised Buttons: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  off (nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| If non-nil, indicate active buttons in a `raised-button' style. [More]
| Groups: [Custom Buffer]
| Debug Ignored Errors: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| List of errors for which the debugger should not be called. [More]
| Default Frame Alist: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| Alist of default values for frame creation. [More]
| Eol Mnemonic Dos: [Hide Value] (DOS)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| String displayed in mode line for DOS-like (CRLF) end-of-line format.
| Groups: [Mule]
| Eol Mnemonic Mac: [Hide Value] (Mac)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| String displayed in mode line for MAC-like (CR) end-of-line format.
| Groups: [Mule]
| File Coding System Alist: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| Alist to decide a coding system to use for a file I/O operation. [More]
| Find File Hook: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| List of functions to be called after a buffer is loaded from a file. [More]
| Help Event List: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| List of input events to recognize as meaning Help. [More]
| Inhibit Startup Screen: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  on (non-nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| Non-nil inhibits the startup screen. [More]
| Groups: [Initialization]
| Menu Bar Mode: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  on (non-nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| Non-nil if Menu-Bar mode is enabled. [More]
| Groups: [Frames]
| Minibuffer Prompt Properties: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| Text properties that are added to minibuffer prompts. [More]
| Mouse Wheel Mode: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  on (non-nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| Non-nil if Mouse-Wheel mode is enabled. [More]
| Groups: [Mouse]
| Pop Up Frame Function: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| Function to call to handle automatic new frame creation. [More]
| Same Window Buffer Names: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| List of buffer names that should appear in the selected window. [More]
| Same Window Regexps: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| List of regexps saying which buffers should appear in the selected window. 
| Site Run File: [Hide Value] [Value Menu] none
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| File containing site-wide run-time initializations. [More]
| Groups: [Initialization]
| Special Display Function: [Hide Value] special-display-popup-frame
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| Function to call to make a new frame for a special buffer. [More]
| Groups: [Frames]
| Text Mode Hook: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
| Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes.

,----[ Emacs 23.0.60 / 2008-05-24 ]
| Baud Rate: [Hide Value] 19200
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    The output baud rate of the terminal. [More]
| Groups: [Display]
| Completion Ignored Extensions: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Completion ignores file names ending in any string in this list. [More]
| Custom Raised Buttons: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  off (nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    If non-nil, indicate active buttons in a `raised-button' style. [More]
| Groups: [Custom Buffer]
| Debug Ignored Errors: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    List of errors for which the debugger should not be called. [More]
| Default Frame Alist: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Alist of default values for frame creation. [More]
| Eol Mnemonic Dos: [Hide Value] (DOS)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    String displayed in mode line for DOS-like (CRLF) end-of-line format.
| Groups: [Mule]
| Eol Mnemonic Mac: [Hide Value] (Mac)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    String displayed in mode line for MAC-like (CR) end-of-line format.
| Groups: [Mule]
| Exec Path: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    List of directories to search programs to run in subprocesses. [More]
| File Coding System Alist: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Alist to decide a coding system to use for a file I/O operation. [More]
| Find File Hook: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    List of functions to be called after a buffer is loaded from a file. [More]
| Help Event List: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    List of input events to recognize as meaning Help. [More]
| Inhibit Startup Screen: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  on (non-nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    Non-nil inhibits the startup screen. [More]
| Groups: [Initialization]
| Initial Frame Alist: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Alist of frame parameters for creating the initial X window frame. [More]
| Keyboard Coding System: [Hide Value] utf-8-unix
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    Specify coding system for keyboard input. [More]
| Groups: [Keyboard] [Mule]
| See also [(emacs)Unibyte Mode] and [(emacs)Terminal Coding].
| Menu Bar Mode: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  on (non-nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    Non-nil if Menu-Bar mode is enabled. [More]
| Groups: [Frames]
| Minibuffer Prompt Properties: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Text properties that are added to minibuffer prompts. [More]
| Mouse Wheel Mode: [Hide Value] [Toggle]  on (non-nil)
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    Non-nil if Mouse-Wheel mode is enabled. [More]
| Groups: [Mouse]
| Pop Up Frame Function: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Function to call to handle automatic new frame creation. [More]
| Same Window Buffer Names: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    List of buffer names that should appear in the selected window. [More]
| Same Window Regexps: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    List of regexps saying which buffers should appear in the selected window. 
| Site Run File: [Hide Value] [Value Menu] none
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    File containing site-wide run-time initializations. [More]
| Groups: [Initialization]
| Special Display Function: [Hide Value] special-display-popup-frame
|    [State]: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
|    Function to call to make a new frame for a special buffer. [More]
| Groups: [Frames]
| Text Mode Hook: [Show Value]
|    State: HIDDEN, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
|    Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |  http://rsteib.home.pages.de/

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