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Re: Switch the Windows port to using Unicode keyboard input

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: Switch the Windows port to using Unicode keyboard input
Date: Sun, 04 Oct 2009 22:06:00 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090706)

Eugen Anghel wrote:
Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks.

+              wchar_t code;
+              code = msg.msg.wParam;
+              inev.code = code;

Why not just the following?

    inev.code = msg.msg.wParam;

Note that these changes will break Emacs on Windows 9x. While that might not seem such a bad thing approaching 10 years after the release of Windows ME, a bug report was recently received against Windows 98, so it needs to be carefully considered. If we do decide to drop support, there are a number of simplifications that can be made to this patch, and many other places in the Windows specific code, especially if we drop support for NT 4.0 at the same time.

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