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ChangeLogs on CVS? Commit netiquette.

From: T.V. Raman
Subject: ChangeLogs on CVS? Commit netiquette.
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 16:18:22 -0800

I did first check
since I remembered that the bzr swwitch had been discussed.
Following the instructions there, I had earlier tried (and just
the command given, and it bombs:

bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/emacs
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/emacs/.bzr/branch/";.
16:16:45 retriever bzr-emacs $

On 2/18/10, Karl Fogel <address@hidden> wrote:
> "T.V. Raman" <address@hidden> writes:
>>My cvs snapshot of emacs has Changelog files only upto the end of
>>2009 --- has the repository moved, or  are there just no
>>changelogs any more?
> Hi, T.V.!  Emacs switched to Bazaar.  Please see
>   http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/BzrForEmacsDevs
> and ask any questions here, of course.
> Best,
> -Karl
>>On 2/18/10, Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>>> This seems more of a short comming in `bzr log --short' than in the
>>>>> way one writes commit messages.
>>> Not really: it's the whole idea behing "bzr log --short".
>>>> We currently *have* policies about ChangeLog entries and commit logs,
>>>> so I agree with Óscar: it is a good practice and we should require
>>>> people to follow it; and treat people who doesn't the same way we
>>>> treat people who mangles ChangeLog entries (that is, a gentle but firm
>>>> reminder that we have guideliness and we're all expected to follow
>>>> them).
>>> Yes, please, we should require the first line of commit messages to be
>>> an acceptable summary of the whole changeset.
>>> Could someone update log-edit-mode's font-lock patterns so that the
>>> first line is highlighted specially (at least in the Bzr and Arch
>>> cases)?
>>> I think log-edit-mode should even go further in this direction.
>>> The buffer should be created as
>>>   ----------------
>>>   Author:
>>>   Summary:
>>>   blablabla
>>>   ----------------
>>> where <blablabla> is the text taken from the ChangeLog.  Then for
>>> backends which support the notion of summary-line, C-c C-c could just
>>> signal an error if the Summary line is still blank.
>>> After that, empty header entries will get removed and the text is passed
>>> as-is to the backend who is then free to pass it as-is to the underlying
>>> VCS or to extract the various fields and do whatever it feels like
>>> with them.
>>>         Stefan

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