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Re: shouldn't `delete-blank-lines' treat form-feed as whitespace?

From: Jonathan Yavner
Subject: Re: shouldn't `delete-blank-lines' treat form-feed as whitespace?
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 23:34:16 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.10.4 (Linux/2.6.27-11-generic; KDE/4.1.4; i686; ; )

> How is the line-breaking property relevant to this function?

If it isn't, why are we talking about FF and VT?  They don't display as 
"blank" in Emacs.

If the point is to close up blank lines, this is sort of like line-
breaking in reverse, so only line-break characters should be deleted.

Function delete-trailing-whitespace specifically states that it does not 
delete FF.  It also doesn't delete VT.  So why should
delete-blank-lines delete these?

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