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Re: Gtk tabs in emacs, new branch.

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: Gtk tabs in emacs, new branch.
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 21:07:58 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

Stefan Monnier skrev:
Are there any concrete examples of other uses?
I can imagine switching the buffer of one of the windows (in an ECB-style
frame, for example).
Isn't that a window configuration?  I don't get it.

Not quite: e,g. you can create a new tab for "toto.c", switch to toto.h,
then resize some windows, then select the "toto.c" tab and it will
switch the buffer to toto.c without reverting the window sizes.

Ok, that might be useful.

In mpc.el I could imagine using it to switch
between various selections.
I don't know what mpc.el is, so the statements has no meaning.

It's emacs/lisp/mpc.el (new in Emacs-23.2), a front end (client) for the
Music Player Daemon.  So think of it as switch between different
selections in Rhythmbox's browser.

Well, I don't use Rhythmbox either, so ... :-)

But implementation for the primary use case (window configurations)
should not have to suffer because of other uses.
I still don't understand what kind of suffering you're referring to.
If you could describe more concretely (e.g. what kind of undesirable
user-behavior could happen in which case and why).

The most obvious thing is flickering.  When the user clicks on the tab Gtk+
switches tab, there is nothing you can do about that.

I think we need to define "tab" here.  For me a "tab" is a little
rectangle on the screen with a label.  The actions on this tab are
usually linked to switching the content of an X window that's
drawn underneath.
From what you write I get the impression that your notion of a "tab"
includes not just the tab itself but also the window underneath.

It is not my notion, it is Gtk+.

Depending on what was drawn in that widget previously, something else
is shown than what was shown in the old wiindows before.

If I understand correctly, that means that Gtk tabs have a built-in
semantics of "switch the window underneath the tabbar".
That's obviously too restrictive for the kinds of use cases I suggest,
so we'd have to hack around it, e.g. by creating a dummy 0-pixel high
X-window where Gtk can "switch tabs" at its heart content without
bothering us.

I'm looking into that now.  There is that damned border though...

        Jan D.

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