In article<address@hidden>, Eli Zaretskii<address@hidden> writes:
In Emacs, bidi reordering is done by Emacs itself, so the `shape'
method of font backend should not reorder glyphs. But, perhaps
Uniscribe backend reorders Arabic text, right?
No, not AFAIK. We call the ScriptItemize API of Uniscribe with NULL
as the 4th and 5th arguments, which AFAIU should disable reordering.
Perhaps Jason could chime in and tell if I'm right here.
I read the function uniscribe_shape roughly. It has this
for (i = 0; i< nitems; i++)
int nglyphs, nchars_in_run, rtl = items[i].a.fRTL ? -1 : 1;
if (SUCCEEDED (result))
int j, nclusters, from, to;
from = rtl> 0 ? 0 : nchars_in_run - 1;
Doesn't it mean uniscribe_shape reorders glyphs?