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Re: Updating *vc-dir* marks from *VC-log*

From: Bob Rogers
Subject: Re: Updating *vc-dir* marks from *VC-log*
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:14:04 -0500

   From: Dan Nicolaescu <address@hidden>
   Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 23:46:40 -0500

   Bob Rogers <address@hidden> writes:

   > . . . With multiple pending commits, what is needed is a way to return
   > to vc-dir and "swap in" the log buffer fileset.  The patch below adds a
   > new log-edit-visit-files-in-vc-dir command to do this.  I have
   > tentatively bound it to "C-c @" in log-edit-mode, which I hope is
   > sufficiently mnemonic for "mark".

   I am not sure what you are trying to do here...
   In the *VC log* buffer the vc-parent-buffer buffer-local variable
   points to the *vc dir* buffer that was used to create it.
   Doesn't this simplify what you are trying to do?

Hmm.  It could conceivably make vc-dir-find-buffer-for-file unnecessary.
(I had written that for another hack where vc-parent-buffer may not be
defined, or may not point to a vc-dir buffer, and just used it
unthinkingly here.)

   On the other hand, one would have to assume that users only want to
adjust the filesets of commits started from vc-dir buffers.
vc-dir-find-buffer-for-file would still be useful if the user originally
typed "C-x v v" in a file buffer, and then had second thoughts.

   But, at the very least, I ought to check vc-parent-buffer first,
since that would always DTRT if the file appears in multiple vc-dir
buffers.  Thanks for making that apparent.

   BTW, this is a subproject that came up while trying to make Emacs
smarter about changing marked files in vc-dir during the commit (see
bug#7350).  If the user does that, then Emacs should (a) ask her if she
wants to update the fileset if she types C-c C-c in the log buffer, and
(b) ask her if she wants to start a new commit or update the old one if
she types C-x v v in the vc-dir buffer.  Both of those involve updating
the fileset of an existing log buffer, so I probably need to address
that first.

                                        -- Bob

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