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Re: user-controlled load-path extension: load-dir

From: Dimitri Fontaine
Subject: Re: user-controlled load-path extension: load-dir
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 12:30:25 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110014 (No Gnus v0.14) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Chong Yidong <address@hidden> writes:
> OK, I guess there's nothing wrong with adding a function to load
> everything in a directory.  But what's the difference between having a
> variable that defaults to nil and just letting users add
>   (load-directory "~/.emacs.d/my-stuff")
> to their init file?

The difference is that I'm after a solution where it's possible to
achieve that with *no* editing of the user-init-file.  At all.  So that
my el-get installer will just drop a file in `user-load-dir`.

The alternative is editing user-init-file to change the load-path and
(require 'el-get), or to explicitly (load "path/to/el-get/el-get.el"),
and that's not user friendly.

Please note that my requirement would not be fulfilled at all should the
load-directory be in a package.  What I need is to determine from code
where to place some file that will be loaded at emacs startup
automatically.  If the feature is not in code, that means I depend on
manual actions from users before to be able to have a working solution.

That would only be moving the problem, not solving it.


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