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Re: Keeping an ELPA checkout

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: Keeping an ELPA checkout
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:16:39 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> OK.  So who's going to do the work?  And can you summarize what you're
>>> asking for after this discussion?
SM> What I wrote above is the summary, AFAIK.
> OK, I'll try to summarize because your requirements are not clear to
> me.  Tell me if I understand what you're looking for.

You describe a possible solution rather than a requirement ;-)

> 2) check out or update the ELPA branch to $elpa


> 3) cd $elpa; make local-install EMACS=$trunk/src/emacs (this runs the
> trunk-built Emacs to `package-install' each ELPA package in
> $elpa/packages and then adds "$elpa/packages" to
> `package-directory-list' or maybe gives you a snippet to put in your
> .emacs).

The name "install" is confusing here: I don't want the .el files to
be copied.  I just want to compile them, extract their autoloads into
a file somewhere, and things like that.

> The trunk-built Emacs may need to have been installed system-wide.

No, that's undesirable.

> 4) Now all the ELPA packages should be available as if you had installed
> them through `package-install' into ~/.emacs.d because
> `package-directory-list' has been augmented

If you say so.

> 5) any package build and installation artifacts in $elpa need to be
> ignored by Bazaar


> Is this correct?

I'm not sure, but your point 5 makes me think it is.


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