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Re: line-move-down-up

From: Alin Soare
Subject: Re: line-move-down-up
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 18:56:06 +0300

2011/4/18 Stephen J. Turnbull <address@hidden>
Alin Soare writes:

 > > look better:
 > (define-key global-map [(meta up)] (lambda (&optional n) (interactive "P")
 > (line-move-down (if (numberp n) (- n) -1))))

Yeah, sorry about that.

 > But, yes. You are right.
 > Transpose-lines does the job, but not as I wish.

Of course it doesn't.  All defaults suck for somebody.  That's what
.emacs is for.

If you want to impose the burden of maintenance on the team, you need
to explain why your version is an improvement for a lot of people.

I used the meta + up-down, using the model of spreadsheets of org-mode, that I use. It is the most convenient conbination for me.

If I use C-x C-t, the cursor goes down, while the line goes up. I cannot move the line the second time.

And this only transposes the line, not move the line.

I need move, not transpose, and I cannot find this in emacs.


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