# valgrind supression file # generated on a x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu machine # Usage: # valgrind --suppressions=valgrind.supp ./temacs # This looks like this: # Invalid read of size 4 # at 0x511B3C: init_buffer (buffer.c:5037) # by 0x40E293: main (emacs.c:1452) # Address 0x50cff24 is 68 bytes inside a block of size 70 alloc'd # at 0x4A06582: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:525) # by 0x511B23: init_buffer (buffer.c:5071) # by 0x40E293: main (emacs.c:1452) # # It is due to the optimized strlen implementation that loads 32 bits at a time. { optimized_strlen_in_init_buffer Memcheck:Addr4 fun:init_buffer fun:main } # Disable various warnings due to garbage collection scanning the stack. { Memcheck:Cond fun:Fgarbage_collect fun:* } { Memcheck:Value8 fun:Fgarbage_collect fun:* } { Memcheck:Value8 fun:mark_object fun:* } { mark_object_cond Memcheck:Cond fun:mark_object fun:* } { mark_vectorlike_value8 Memcheck:Value8 fun:mark_vectorlike fun:Fgarbage_collect fun:* } { survives_gc_p_cond Memcheck:Cond fun:survives_gc_p fun:sweep_weak_table fun:sweep_weak_hash_tables fun:Fgarbage_collect fun:* }