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Re: Feature suggestion: iswitchb should have an option to show virtual b

From: Tom
Subject: Re: Feature suggestion: iswitchb should have an option to show virtual buffers like ido does
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 19:59:45 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

John Yates <john <at> yates-sheets.org> writes:

> Ideally I would have ido seach upwards through the directory
> tree starting from the directory part of buffer-file-name for
> something like .ido-project-files.
> Such ido integration would eliminate my separate key binding
> and the awkward statefulness of my current project files
> buffer.

I don't think that should be integrated into ido or at least only if 
it builds upon a more general feature.

The basic feature would be to specify additional lists for ido besides
recent files, so one could specify other groups of files too for

Project files is a special case of this which could easily be implemented
if the above feature is added, but this feature could be useful in
other cases too (e.g. I sometimes look into emacs .el source files,
so I would create a list of all emacs lisp source files, so I could
simply switch to any of them without having to use find-file), so the
implementation should not be narrowed down only to the case of project

BTW, if this generic feature is added then ido should also use the
code in the uniquify package, so it can indicate the difference
if two files with the same names are matching, but they
are in different directories. In this case the file name without
directory is not enough to know which file is which.

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