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Re: patch vs. overwrite in bzr

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: patch vs. overwrite in bzr
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 06:09:56 +0300

> From: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden,  address@hidden
> Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 18:06:19 -0400
> > Would the problem be solved if such cherry-picking weren't needed?
> To a large extent, yes, but the cases we're talking about can't do that
> (which is why we're talking about that).

If this is the primary reason for problems, then in my experience this
is the first problem to tackle.  Whatever the issues are that cause
the branches to be different, they should be regarded as secondary,
and solutions found for them that let the branches become not

> > That is, if the branches were exactly identical, but kept in two
> > different VCSes?  If this would solve the problem, then that's what
> > I'd suggest doing.  After all, all those differences sound very minor;
> > e.g., why not rename the files as the other guy does?
> The `emacs' branch includes tons of other things that aren't in the
> `org' branch for obvious reasons.

Why should Org maintainers care about things they don't need?  Let
them be there, they will do no harm at all.

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