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Re: On the subject of Git, Bazaar, and the future of Emacs development

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: On the subject of Git, Bazaar, and the future of Emacs development
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 08:53:14 +0100

On 26 mrt. 2013, at 20:38, John Wiegley <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello all,
> We have often debated the merits of Git vs. Bazaar, and which one the GNU
> project should use for Emacs development.  I think now is an appropriate time
> to revisit this decision.
> My main reason for bringing this up again is that Bazaar development has
> effectively stalled.  There are major bugs which have been in their
> bug-tracker for years now -- bugs affecting Emacs development, such as the
> ELPA repository -- whach have been ignored all this time.  There are also
> other factors, but this one alone is significant enough that I think it
> justifies us switching over to Git all by itself.
> So, to Richard as the undisputed Czar of all things Emacs: can we now, pretty
> please, switch to Git? :)  I'm happy to coordinate whatever resources it takes
> to make a full and faithful conversion from Bzr happen as soon as possible.

For what it is worth,  I believe that the Org-mode community
would wholeheartedly support such a move, it would simplify things
for us enormously.

With kind regards

- Carsten Dominik

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