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Re: Great Old One?

From: Jay Belanger
Subject: Re: Great Old One?
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 20:19:41 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

>> Emacs _is_ one of the old great ones.  You are trying to make Gandalf
>> more popular by plucking his nose hairs.
> I could not help reading that as "Emacs is one of the Great Old Ones"
> It's...all so obvious now. The keystrokes, the barbarous keystrokes!
> Ctrl-Alt-Double-Bucky-PENTAGRAM (U+26E4) - what are these but
> invocations of Emacsthulhu who lies sleeping beneath 545 Tech Square,
> until the dread day when the stars align and he rises to claim his
> dominion?

Now that it's been pointed out, we should just rename Emacs as CTHULHU:
 CTHULHU's Top Hacks Using Lisp, Horrifying Users
For CTHULHU 25, M-x doctor should be replaced by M-x cthulhu, which no
one should ever call.

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