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Re: On being web-friendly and why info must die

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: Re: On being web-friendly and why info must die
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 05:54:33 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Steinar Bang <address@hidden>:
> > What are the alternatives, really?  asciidoc.  rST. Sphinx.  Some
> > flavor of markdown.
> org-mode.

To be fair, that does look like a more viable technical choice than when 
first I raised the issue.  But I still have a concern that we would fail in the
ultimate goal of the change if the outside reaction is "Emacs tribe off
doing its own insular thing again".  I think we need a choice that faces
outwards, not inwards.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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