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Re: [mentor-request] a darkroom/writeroom mode for Emacs

From: joakim
Subject: Re: [mentor-request] a darkroom/writeroom mode for Emacs
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:15:14 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden (João Távora) writes:

>    [ This message is a "mentor request" and part of an experiment
>      described in this thread:
>           https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2014-12/msg00541.html
>      A mentor is any frequent Emacs contributor who directs newcomers to
>      documentation and helps them polish code contributions, easing them
>      through Emacs' specific procedures, aiming to lower the entry
>      barrier to Emacs development. If possible, mentors should try to be
>      reasonably agnostic to the proposal's pertinence or particular
>      implementation - that can be discussed later. Discussion can happen
>      in or off-list. If on-list, use a "[mentoring]" prefix to the
>      subject line, so that other users can keep all but essential
>      comments to a minimum. ]
> Hi, I'm looking for a mentor who would help me clean up the code I have
> in
>    https://github.com/capitaomorte/darkroom-mode

- Did you get a copyright  assignment yet? Your code needs to be
  assigned to FSF. See http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/CONTRIBUTE,
  copyright assignment section.

- I think your packages will live a happy life in ELPA. Heres a pointer:

> This is my implementation of the popular "darkroom/writeroom" hack, of
> which multiple versions can be found around the web. I believe mine can
> be polished to make it into Emacs.
> I'm looking for pointers on how to clone the Emacs repository after the
> recent Git transition, whether to use Emacs or ELPA for it, plus any
> other tips that increase my chances.
> Waiting to hear from a mentor, or from any newcomer who wants to take
> over the mentoree part of this project.
> Thanks,
> João
> Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:
>>> From: address@hidden (João Távora)
>>> Cc: Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden>,  address@hidden,  address@hidden,  
>>> address@hidden
>>> Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 07:07:21 +0000
>>> To test the process, I can volunteer to submit a couple of reasonably
>>> small ideas, between 100 and 300 LOC, that need a mentor (*).
>> Please go ahead, and thanks.
>> Of course, to be practical, there's a need for a mentoree for each
>> such idea, but if that's you, then that issue is solved.

Joakim Verona

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