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Re: Removing rollback from VC mode - request for comment

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: Removing rollback from VC mode - request for comment
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 09:27:14 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (darwin)

On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 07:36:29 -0500 "Eric S. Raymond" <address@hidden> wrote: 

ESR> The VC Git support is now about ten years old.  In all that time, the
ESR> fact that Ctrl-x v c is not bound to git reset seems never to have
ESR> been reported as a bug or wishlist item.  This suggests to me that
ESR> there is little or no demand for the feature.

Most of us use the command line or Magit.  Those work fine.

ESR> Mind not made up yet.  But leaning more towards deleting, now.  Willing
ESR> to listen to a more spirited defense.

Talk like Yoda, will you.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:42:22 +0100 Steinar Bang <address@hidden> wrote: 

>>>>>> Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>:

>> I think Git should support it anyway, with rollback to any commit.
>> That's just a "git reset".

SB> "git reset --hard", actually.

While they are both useful, I find `git reset' gentler because it
doesn't lose my changes. It's a soft rollback, perhaps.

SB> But there is one complication that git commits may span more files than
SB> the one file currently seen by vc-git.el, and if so: what do you do?

You tell the user "the rollback will affect more files than you
currently see."

ESR> The problem is not specific to Git.  It's general to any changeset VCS, 
ESR> rollback is necessarily a repository-oriented operation rather than a
ESR> file-oriented one.

Magit and the command line interface do all right.


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