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What to do for faster `remove-duplicates'?

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: What to do for faster `remove-duplicates'?
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 09:33:02 +0200

Hi all,

Should `cl-remove-duplicates' switch to using a hash table if the
candidates list is large?

I see here a speedup factor of >500 for removing the duplicates of
`load-library' candidates. Helm has a function for this, which looks
very simple (much more simple that the current `cl-remove-duplicates'):

    (cl-defun helm-fast-remove-dups (seq &key (test 'eq))
      "Remove duplicates elements in list SEQ.
    This is same as `remove-duplicates' but with memoisation.
    It is much faster, especially in large lists.
    A test function can be provided with TEST argument key.
    Default is `eq'."
      (cl-loop with cont = (make-hash-table :test test)
               for elm in seq
               unless (gethash elm cont)
               do (puthash elm elm cont)
               finally return
               (cl-loop for i being the hash-values in cont collect i)))

And here are the benchmark tests:

    (setq cands (locate-file-completion-table
                 load-path (get-load-suffixes) "" nil t))
    (length cands)
    (length (cl-remove-duplicates cands :test 'equal))
    (benchmark-run (cl-remove-duplicates cands :test 'equal))
    (0.67873101 0 0.0)
    (benchmark-run (helm-fast-remove-dups cands :test 'equal))
    (0.001350054 0 0.0)
    (benchmark-run (seq-uniq cands 'equal))
    (5.270219822 27 2.396615401000002)

This is also a request for seq.el to revise its optimization strategy.

So should `cl-remove-duplicates' be a 2-in-1 (lists for small input,
hash table for large input), or should there be
`cl-remove-duplicates-hash', or an optional argument to
`cl-remove-duplicates' to use a hash?


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