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Package refresh and install/delete marks

From: Artur Malabarba
Subject: Package refresh and install/delete marks
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 02:49:28 +0100

> Async refreshing has grown on me too, but it still needs to implement retaining the marks set by the user.

For the record, this is now done.
It was implemented by having tabulated-list only update the buffer, instead of printing it anew.
As a bonus, the printing step is now blazing fast. So the small hang we get after archives are downloaded is now barely noticeable.

Of note:
- if the user marks a package (for install/delete) and that package is gone after the refresh, then the mark is gone too.
- if the user hits U while a refresh is in progress, the package menu will wait until the refresh is done before actually marking the upgrades. This is to avoid the scenario where the refresh could erase the install marks and keep the delete marks.
- Hitting g will still revert the entire buffer and wipe all marks (this is intentional).

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