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Re: Per-language project-search-path, was: Re: Unified project interface

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Per-language project-search-path, was: Re: Unified project interface
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 03:25:27 +0300
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On 08/01/2015 09:57 PM, Stephen Leake wrote:

I often mix languages in one directory anyway; the file extension
indicates the language, so there's no need for it in the directory name.

All right. That's fine if you don't need it.

And what about jdee? Would you treat lisp/.dir-locals.el as the
project file for Elisp, and ask the user to select it?

I think you are asking

     "what project would you use while editing elisp files that implement


Yes, serious users will want to explicitly select the active project.

Okay. I could add that different languages can have interdependencies (like templates can references to "normal" source code), so it's not always easy to separate them. But I guess you can use their search paths together, and rely on filtering by extension.

If I'm debugging jdee, I want the search path to be elisp load-path,
whether I'm in a notes.text file, a jdee .el file, or a test .java file.
So I don't want Emacs to guess what the active project is, nor determine
the search path based on the mode.

Fair enough.

     (setq project-find-functions 'project-explicit-prj)

When the package is ready, this should be added via add-hook, when a certain minor mode is enabled.

     A menu or completion list of previously selected projects would be
     very useful here (I'm working on that).

That minor mode could provide a relevant command.

- Provide a way for functions to require a particular type of project file

     This is mostly there; all functions that only work with projects of
     some type should be cl-defmethods for that type.

That's fine, but it's better is more functions are universal.

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