I like to have eldoc mode enabled and also blink-matching-paren enabled.
Earlier before I had eldoc mode enabled, I had only the blink-matching-paren enabled and that gave useful info of what the closing paren is matching to in the Echo area.
But after enabling eldoc mode, I see the eldoc info *instead* of the matching paren info.
What I would ideally like to have is both.. would that be possible?
Would anyone consider adding this feature useful?
As an example, it would be nice to have the echo area show something like
use-package: (NAME &rest ARGS)
Matches (progn
Currently only the first message shows (by eldoc). The second message shows only if I do M-x blink-matching-open (which then removes the first message).
It would be nice to shown them together in a one or two line echo area message.