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Re: When should ralloc.c be used? (WAS: bug#24358)

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: When should ralloc.c be used? (WAS: bug#24358)
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 10:03:03 +0300

> Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 17:03:45 -0400
> From: "Perry E. Metzger" <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden, address@hidden,
>  address@hidden, address@hidden
> > Not everyone is in the same position as you and Paul (or myself).
> > 
> Sure, but most people never, ever undump an Emacs either unless
> they're building from scratch or doing Emacs dev work...

Oh, so now we are going to argue that a feature that can't be easily
had is not important?  Then I'll claim that the Emacs startup time is
not important, either, because "most people never, ever" start Emacs
except when their machine starts, and their Emacs session is
thereafter running for weeks and months without ever restarting.

Let's agree to respect other people's usage patterns and
circumstances, even if they are different from ours.  Emacs is great
because it allows so many different patterns, so preferring one of
them too much is something we should avoid.  If each one of us sees
only their personal needs as the most important ones, we will never be
able to agree on anything.

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