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Re: Preview: portable dumper

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Preview: portable dumper
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2016 09:28:54 +0200

> From: David Requena Zabala <address@hidden>
> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 23:13:27 +0100
> >In that discussion, you asked technical questions about the implementation 
> >of scroll-bar support in Emacs, on X and on MS-Windows,
> and I answered your questions by pointing to the relevant functions which 
> implement that support.
> Thanks for that.‎ I also seem to remember you bluntly denied a related issue 
> with the configure script which you latter corrected :-)

AFAIR, you used a checkout of the development sources that was behind
the repository tip.  But maybe I'm misremembering things, this was
almost 2 years ago.

> > At no time in that discussion you proposed something, let alone some code, 
> > that was rejected.
> This! no code, good or bad, came ever out of this to be proposed for 
> inclusion into emacs.

AFAIK, you never proposed any code.

> And that's for a very definite reason: the novice who wrote it wasn't willing 
> to put up a fight just because no new C code is welcomed any longer into 
> emacs. 

I don't know where you got the idea that no new C code is welcome, or
from whom.  We are adding C code to Emacs all the time.  Just look at
the Git log.  I've re-read that past discussion, and didn't see any
sign of such a message in anything I wrote there.  This must be some
gross misunderstanding.  If something I wrote is the culprit, I

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