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Re: with-url

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: with-url
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 18:58:26 +0200

> From: Lars Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden
> Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 17:40:09 +0100
> (But in a networking environment, the Emacs terminology is very
> confusing.  You have `coding system' where all standards say `charset',
> and in addition you have all the standards talking about `encoding',
> which is things like base64 and url-encoding.  So the parameter list, if
> changed, will talk about :data-coding-system and
> :data-transfer-encoding, which is probably not as helpful as it should
> be.

How about :coding-system and :transfer-encoding instead?

> And note that utf-8 is a perfectly good charset in standards: "Charset"
> means "encoded character set" in RFCs.)

We have mime-charset to match that, but in that case you will need to
convert the value to a coding-system internally, as the conversion is
not a trivial one.

I think this eventually boils down to the question whether most users
of this feature feel more at home with network-style "charset" or with
Emacs-style "coding-system".  I don't know the answer.

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