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Re: delete-selection-mode as default

From: Clément Pit-Claudel
Subject: Re: delete-selection-mode as default
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 09:16:21 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1

On 2018-09-07 05:18, hw wrote:
> When a selection is active, why would anyone assume that typing an
> arbitrary letter is supposed to replace the entire selection, or to
> disable it?

Out of experience, mostly.  When almost every other program you use besides 
Emacs behaves that way, it's easy to assume that Emacs will behave the same way.

> Allowing that to happen is simply a design flaw, or an
> oversight.

I prefer to think of it as a very convenient feature.  For example, as I typed 
this email, I first wrote "as I composed" instead of "as I typed", pressed 
Control+Shift+Left Arrow, and pressed "typed".  Similarly, I had first written 
"I call it" instead of "I prefer to think of it", and the way I changed one 
into the other was to select "call it" and type "prefer to think of it as".

This select, then type to replace behavior is the norm in most programs I use 
outside Emacs, and it doesn't sound like a design flaw to me. Of course, Emacs' 
default behavior can be very convenient too, and it's good that it can do both.

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