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Re: cairo now default?

From: Colin Baxter
Subject: Re: cairo now default?
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:49:46 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> Robert Pluim <address@hidden> writes:

>>>>> On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:21:37 +0000, Colin Baxter <address@hidden> said:
    Colin> The configure warning:

    Colin> "This configuration uses the Cairo graphics library, but not
    Colin> the HarfBuzz font shaping library.  We recommend the use of
    Colin> HarfBuzz when using Cairo, please install HarfBuzz
    Colin> development packages."

    Colin> occurs at the end of the list of configured options and then
    Colin> scrolls up disappearing from the screen before the configure
    Colin> command ends. It's easily missed and the user who doesn't
    Colin> have HarfBuzz ends up puzzled, with a working emacs but one
    Colin> that looks unfamiliar and ugly.

    > Not here itʼs not, itʼs the very last thing printed by configure,
    > just after the mailutils warning.

Yes, you're right - my mistake.

    Colin> If cairo has to be the default - and I don't understand why -
    Colin> is this going to be emphasised in the INSTALL file of the
    Colin> subsequent distribution?

    > Itʼs better than the alternative, which is libXft, which is
    > unmaintained and causes crashes.

Ok, so be it.

I still think this change, as it stands, is going to catch out a fair
number of users. We will see.

Best wishes,

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