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Re: Process to build standalone Emacs + deps in Windows

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Process to build standalone Emacs + deps in Windows
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 19:03:52 +0200

> From: Juan José García-Ripoll
>  <address@hidden>
> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 17:41:35 +0100
> >> +              'libexec/*/*.exe',
> >
> > This is not necessarily wise.  It could be TRT with the current
> > dependencies, but might lose in the long run.  E.g., suppose someone
> > decides to add GNU Findutils to the bundle.
> Understood. Can we remove the ones that are not used?

Yes, sure.  My comment was about emptying the entire directory.

> Many of those directories contain manuals and documentation for
> libraries (e.g. C/python interfaces to gettext, libxml, etc), not for
> tools (bzip2, bunzip2, etc). Since users do not have exposed access to
> those libraries, it makes as much sense to bundle them with emacs as it
> would make it to bundle the documentation of the C library.

Again, discretion is advisable.

> >> +              'bin/fc-*.exe', # No font configuration tools
> >
> > If some dependency is configured to access fonts via Fontconfig (is it
> > HarfBuzz?), then this is a mistake, because some of those utilities
> > are needed to maintain the font cache.
> Thanks. So far I have been using emacs-27 w/o them. But maybe it is
> because I built emacs before HarfBuzz was added to build-dep*.py? In any
> case, I can remove it.

It could be that librsvg uses Fontconfig, I don't know.  (In my builds
of optional libraries, I've succeeded to avoid Fontconfig being
compiled in, but MSYS2 generally compile in everything, whether needed
or not.)

> Does the newly attached script look more reasonable?

I think so, yes.

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