>> Do we want that?
> I don't know. But hanging because `select` doesn't return the needed
> information doesn't seem right either. Maybe rather than signal an
> error, we should somehow make the main thread run that code, so as to
> return the right answer?
That could be a game-changer, it would open up the path for making Elisp
a lot more asynchronous than it is now. You could load up heavy work on
a background thread, and (of course assuming it can be slit into smaller
pieces) simply yield whenever input is detected.
And while we are on the topic of threads, I wonder what is the
maintainers' opinion on https://nullprogram.com/blog/2018/05/31/,
specifically this part:
> Update: ThreadSanitizer (TSan) quickly shows that Emacs’ threading
> implementation has many data races, making it completely
> untrustworthy. Until this is fixed, nobody should use Emacs threads
> for any purpose, and threads should disabled at compile time.