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Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre
Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 01:55:37 +0300
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On 14.05.2020 01:04, Karl Fogel wrote:
On 13 May 2020, Dmitry Gutov wrote:
I might with agree with you principle, but both examples seem suspect.

First, the "low investment" editors frequently have higher density of
information in the UI elements that correspond to our mode-line and
fringe, margins, etc. Largely thanks to their technical capabilities
(various-sized fonts, graphics, being able to fit different kinds of
indicators together on a "fringe"). So it appears at least in this
area Emacs has been overtaken purely on technical grounds.

*nod*.  There might be room for improvement in how Emacs uses various visual 
areas, though, having watched many different programmers using many different 
kinds of editors, I think Emacs's mode line actually scores pretty well on the 
indicator front (once one learns how to interpret it).

I think the mode-line is more or less average by today's standards. But of course it wins on customizability. The fringes a significantly less functional, though. :-(

But in any case, note that these other editors also face this same tradeoff.  
You can see it in Microsoft Word, for example: in recent versions, its default 
startup control panel looks like the cockpit of Boeing 747.  Experienced users 
complain noisily about it (you can find various blog posts and other chatter 
about this on the Net), but this UI change was made so that *new* users could 
find a visual path to anything they might be looking for.

The tradeoff will always be there, even if sometimes there is room for Emacs to improve 
-- i.e., room for Emacs to "get to the tradeoff point", so to speak.

Yes, the tradeoff is somewhere in there, but my problem with the conclusion is that it would be really easy to misapply your principle (e.g. by saying we don't need fancier buttons, even though we probably do, or that the Getting Started guide is good enough and doesn't need improvement, and someone should go work on specialized Org-mode docs instead).

Making good use of it seems difficult.

The kind of person who *could* make a better judgment in this area is someone who specializes on UX. And they are rare guests around here.

But the particular *way* in which we've crowded the keybinding space is 
independent of the fact that the space is crowded, and necessarily must be 
crowded if it is to offer experts the quick access to functionality that they 
want.  Crowding the keybinding space is good for high-investment users and bad 
for newcomers (that's why newcomers to Emacs so often trip accidentally over 
unexpectedly combustible key sequences).  That tradeoff will always be there, 
no matter what the particular mapping of key sequences to functionality is.

Are you sure that this particular aspect is _bad_ for new users, though? Nobody likes to stretch they hand too far. But I'll grant you this point, that Emacs is *somewhat* on the side of high-investment here.

This part is expected of a professional tool, however, and the experience for newcomers could be improved without taking away much from the "oldies". See the 'transient' package, for example, recently proposed for inclusion on emacs-devel.

I could go on.  I've taught many newcomers to Emacs, and often the things that 
are hardest for them are exactly the things that are*good*  for the experienced 
These design tradeoffs cannot be avoided.  It would be a fallacy to
think that it's always possible to be*both*  maximally
newcomer-friendly and investor-friendly.

The last sentence is sensible, but it's generally beside the point:
I'm sure we still have a long way to go in both directions.

Very good point: there are some things we could that would get us closer to the 
point where tradeoff decisions are necessary.  But not everything we 
contemplate doing will be in that category.  Some of the things we want to do 
will already *be* at the tradeoff point, and then we will have a decision to 

Some of them, probably. At this point, I think, there are still a lot of decisions that would bring us closer to newcomer-friendliness while keeping no worse high-investment compatibility.

This also suggests that the sorts of features that highly-invested
users tend to want -- for example, LSP-based features

LSP is a high-investment feature?

Reminder: it came to us from VS Code, Microsoft's text editor for

Not quite.  What I wrote, exactly, is that it is the sort of feature that 
highly-invested users tend to want.  That is different in a subtle way.  By not 
supplying the sorts of things that LSP would enable, we signal to 
high-investment users that there is an entire area of improvement that Emacs is 
not going to explore.  So while lack of LSP hurts both newcomers and experts, 
it discourages the experts more, because they are looking for signals that 
continued investment will lead to increased reward.

I'm glad that we both like LSP, or at least the idea of it.

But it seems these days almost everybody wants it, except for MS Word and Notepad users.

Put another way: LSP is the sort of thing that enables highly-invested users -- the kinds 
of people who write or would consider writing Elisp -- to build new functionality into 
Emacs, perhaps even functionality we cannot predict today.  While LSP is a good thing for 
all users, newcomers and experts alike, it specifically *rewards* further investment by 
users who are motivated to make (and capable of making) investments based on LSP's 
availability.  It is an expertise amplifier.  When we fail to include an expertise 
amplifier like that, we "bend the curve" -- in the wrong direction.

There are certain aspects where LSP is not exactly perfect: the functionality it allows is limited by the protocol, and by LSP servers available currently. It's an "ecosystem amplifier", or maybe an equalizer even.

I mean, it for sure is great, not to be lagging in language support for a whole number of languages where we did before. But there are different protocols that allow more powerful extensibility. nREPL, for example.

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