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Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 22:35:46 +0300
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On 16.05.2020 16:57, Sergey Organov wrote:

My anecdata shows otherwise: it's never been a problem personally.

What exactly? Failure to notice Emacs suddenly asking you for something
in the minibuffer? I see it very often.

Yes. I _have_ had problems reading the minibuffer's contents, however, on a few occasions.

Rarely newbies look at the bottom of the screen/frame when cursor is
suddenly gone, even after some training. The most frequent instinct I
see is clicking with the mouse at the position on the screen where they
want cursor to be.

Here is an example:

1. Type C-x b (imitation of accident keystroke)
2. Click with the mouse _here_
3. In the menu click "Edit | Go To | Goto Line"

Result? For me it's:

completing-read-default: Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer

error message that, besides, is again being output into minibuffer
place, that for me even was immediately overwritten by a help string on
a lisp variable as I was doing it in the *scratch*.

Will any newbie be able to tell why this menu item suddenly didn't work
as expected? I'd rather afraid they may think Emacs is buggy and

Fair enough. But in the end, you're probably asking for something that doesn't exist in Emacs yet. Like, no graphical switches for buffers that's equal in power to the minibuffer-based one.

I agree that the prompts could be positioned better, and the result could be better readability. After all, if one uses the minibuffer a lot, isn't it a shame that it resides somewhere down below, and uses the same font as the rest of Emacs?

In that, I think VS Code, Atom, etc, have a better idea by positioning their input area somewhere near the top of the window, in an easy-to-see dropdown. Somewhere in the middle of the frame could also work.

If you like, try out https://github.com/honmaple/emacs-maple-minibuffer/ with (setq maple-minibuffer:position-type 'frame-top-center) or 'frame-center.

I'd like to see Emacs something like this by default someday.

This is unrelated to the context of the suggestion.

Please recall that the problem being discussed is /accidental/
invocation of a command by a keystroke that brings newbie to minibuffer
that she often doesn't even notice! If Emacs rather threw big shiny
dialog into his face (even if only displaying this same minibuffer in
it), it'd leave the newbie little chances to remain ignorant.

In fact, many "expert" commands already do something like this, asking
to be explicitly enabled. This is not that helpful for complete newbies
though as the prompt still uses the minibuffer that newbies often forget
to pay attention to in the first place.

I see where you're coming from, but I think the minibuffer is too large a part of Emacs UI to shield the newbies from it like that.

Or at least, the above would be a better solution, by improving minibuffer's usability for both newbies and existing users.

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