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Re: My perspective as a mid-level user on pros/cons of different editors

From: Arthur Miller
Subject: Re: My perspective as a mid-level user on pros/cons of different editors
Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 15:22:31 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

ndame <address@hidden> writes:

>  there's the fact that it's a nasty combinatorics problem. Pick a version of 
> emacs (26 vs. 27 matters, although the setups probably don't differ too 
> much), then:
>   for each language you want to support, (many)
>   for each OS/version, (at least 3)
> There is no need to solve all variations of the problem in one step.
> There could be packages like lsp-install-python-debian, 
> lsp-install-javascript-windows, etc. where people would capture their 
> experience of installing lsp support for the
> particular OS and language they use.  And when for a language there are 
> variants for all major OSs then those could be packaged into a single parent 
> package like
> lsp-install-python.
> The important thing is capturing the method installation for the variants 
> which can be done separately and if they work reliably then it's not hard to 
> put them into a
> single package.
> So people should start writing small packages of their particular 
> installation variants and share those for other to use.

My personal setup is very slow, I don't care since I use emacs as server
and it started on boot, but I think my setup is too opinionated.

Personally I use combination of dumb-jump, lsp, additional syntax hight
packages and some scripts from emacs wiki to get my C/C++ mode more
usable. I don't have Java, Python etc configured, and I code very rarey
lately so my needs are relatively modest.I am sure it could be done more
on this front then what I have in my Emacs.

I do agree with tge idea to offer smaller "setup-packages", probably as
you say in Melpa, that people could just "(use-package lsp-c++-setup)"
and get decent "ide-like" features that we all setup individually. Emacs
package already has automatic dependency resolution if I understand
correctly so one could at least in theory automaticlly pull all the
stuff that is needed and configure it at least basically.

I see it as interest thing to try, but I am not sure if or when I
personally will or would have time to try to make something. I haven't
even have time to finnish my trivial suggestion to ls-switches in dired.
I will work on that one more next week though.

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