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Re: Overlay behavior change

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Overlay behavior change
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 17:12:23 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (NEB 202 2017-01-01)

Indeed I "really" need that, or at least that's what I'm used to: I use (show-paren-mode) with (setq show-paren-style 'expression), and during the last twenty years or so it has implicitly used ":extend t".

My suggestion is to try the new display first, you might like it after some time. There's no need to paint the entire line with the background color, just the text should be enough. That it looks strange at first is just a (bad) habit we all have.

In fact, I very much like the fact that a block (of code) is displayed on my screen as a (visual) block. And I don't like the staircase aspect of the current default. But I promise I'll give it another try ;-)

What I would have liked to see is something that is neither the previous nor the current default behavior. This idea will probably not be considered (let's name it the attribute ":visualblock t"), but here it is:

1. calculate the overlay as it would have been displayed by Emacs 21 to 26.

2. remove all pixel columns on the right *and on the left* of the overlay which have no "content" (that is, no characters on the right, whitespace characters on the left).

This way the block (of code) would really be displayed on the screen as a block, even a deeply nested one. The above "algorithm" would work with fixed and variable-width fonts, but could of course be made more efficient for fixed-width fonts.


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