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Re: master 1e3b0f2: Improve doc strings of project.el

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: master 1e3b0f2: Improve doc strings of project.el
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 22:51:04 +0300
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On 13.07.2020 07:40, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

Sadly, you never answered my questions.  I still hope that you do,
because I don't understand the staunch objections, to the degree that
causes extremely unkind responses, to improve the doc string by saying
something that is both simple and correct.

I have tried my best to be polite and accommodating in this thread, until you decided that your opinion is more important. And it's not the first time we're having this problem.

Instead of answering my practical questions, which could have led us
towards some acceptable compromise, you've elected to reiterate your

s/views/design goals/g

which just makes another round of the same dispute we've been
having, without any hope for reconciling the differences.  Because it
turns out we disagree even more than I thought, on the very principles
behind this, see below.

This sounds like you're saying that my opinion is invalid. I hope we manage to end up somewhere else than shouting "NO U".

When the form of the return value changes, we will update the
documentation.  This kind of thing happens all the time in Emacs
development, and is nothing to be afraid of.

Having private/internal variables and private functions which we choose not to document or refer to in docstrings happens just as often.

Especially if you
consider some information "private", which means we under no
obligation to preserve its form.  We even have an "Internals" chapter
in the ELisp manual (woefully incomplete, but not because we decided
not to tell those missing details).

If this stuff was really implemented in a way that is hard to make out for a would-be contributor (like, for example, the Display Engine is), then of course we should add a manual chapter with implementation details.

The information you want to document here, though, can be determined by anyone with basic Elisp skills in 10 seconds.

But in principle, yes, we could add a similar kind of "Internals" chapter to the manual that would outline how project.el works, and what is it for. If we decide that it's important enough.

And still, we wouldn't refer to that chapter from the docstring of 'project-current'.

This is why I'm frankly astonished by your opposition to document the
return value.  Once again: what's the catastrophe in doing that?

Once again: it would encourage the uses that we don't want. And would do little to help the uses that we do want.

Here are things we want third-party code to be able to do:

- Consume the public project APIs, which are currently limited to
'project-current' and several generic functions defined for project
instance values, to define new commands or supplement existing ones
(e.g. to query the current project for its root or its list of files).

Where is this documented?  I don't think I see it.

Orthogonal, but fair. I should copy some of these explanations to the package's Commentary.

- Create new project backends. Note that we don't want *everybody* to do
that because creating a well-performing backend is a significant amount
of work (unless the user has very particular needs and works with small
projects). But we want this to be a solid option, and it would be ideal
if, say, a handful of backends become popular someday. To create a
backend, one needs to choose the format of its instance value (which
shouldn't match any of the existing formats), write its
project-find-functions element, and define the project-root override
that dispatches on its instance value. Preferably, also implement
overrides for project-ignores and project-files.

Where is it documented what needs to be done for creating a new
backend?  Again, I don't think I see it documented.


Neither of these options requires knowing the exact format of
project-try-vc's return value, if only to stay away from it. But the
odds of a collision seem very low (and there are ways to reduce them
even further).

These are just some of the possible development directions.  There are
others, no less legitimate ones.  In particular, minor improvements to
the code, which don't change the overall design and implementation.
These and others do require to be aware of the form of the return
value, or at least they can be helped by knowing that.

They shouldn't be documented, however, in the docstring of the main entry point to the Project API.

Moreover, I'm quite sure that if you try to document the missing
pieces mentioned above in a way that is useful for potential
contributors, you will find soon enough that the policy of hiding
useful information about interfaces, even "internal" ones, works
against you: it makes it much harder to say something useful about how
the various objects and methods interact or should interact.  You will
eventually be forced to say "read the code" all the time.  Which means
the documentation cannot do one of its important jobs: help to
understand the code.

But I'm not having this problem.

What remains problematic, on the other hand, is referring to "project instances" in general, because it's a novel notion for Emacs Lisp API (having arbitrary values), and it doesn't invoke the same mental image that our more common terms do.

But more generally, it is not our prerogative to decide for others in
what directions they may or may not take the development in the
future.  This is not our pet project, this is a community project, and
any member of the community is welcome to propose changes to any part
of Emacs.  If the change is useful for the users, and is done cleanly,
we welcome and accept such changes -- this is how Emacs was and is
being developed for 40 years.  It is what brought us where we are

That's a fairly general response to my fairly specific points.

So I very much object to the policy you describe above, which is that
you personally decide up front what kinds of changes are and aren't

I challenge your authority to counter my design decisions. They weren't done in a day.

based on some principles that are not necessarily shared
by others (certainly aren't documented anywhere in the Emacs
contribution-related docs), and then unilaterally implement this rigid
policy, right down to the level of the smallest detail in the doc
strings.  This is an extremely radical and harsh policy, which I don't
think ever existed in Emacs, nor do I think it should exist.  If
accepted, it will IMO harm the Emacs development in the long run.

We've had private variables and functions in Emacs for years. Probably more than a decade, I'm not sure.

Here are, on the other hand, things that people generally shouldn't do,
and yet I have seen them done:

- Extract data from the project instance value directly, instead of
going through e.g. 'project-root'. For instance, writing (cdr
(project-current t)) instead of (project-root (project-current t)). The
former is bad code.

- Write a new project-find-functions element which returns an instance
value that belongs to a built-in backend (usually, the 'transient' one).
AFAICT, this is usually done by cargo culting, without understanding of
the consequences.

See above: I disagree very much with saying flatly that we don't want
these.  These types of changes are not "verboten" in principle, they
should be each one of them judged on its own right, and if done
cleanly and efficiently, they are not in any way "wrong".

I invite you to read that again, first item in particular.

If you don't understand how it is a problem, you don't understand how this API works.

In a Free Software project, you cannot forbid people from trying
different development directions, even dangerous ones, you can only
warn them about the dangers by documenting them.  Which is one more
reason for having good, detailed documentation.  Refraining from
mentioning something because you think it is dangerous is the wrong
way, because people are curious and will find what you are trying to
hide.  When they do, no amount of "I didn't want you to know that, so
don't do that" will help, believe me.

I am physically unable to forbid them, and I'm not trying to.

But writing good documentation means mentioning relevant information, as well as avoiding littering the docs with irrelevant details.

I don't want to prohibit the last option outright, but we shouldn't
leave any impression that it's legitimate either. And most problems that
people try to solve this way (predominantly: customizing project root
markers, AFAIK) should be filed as bug reports/feature requests.

As I already said several times, the right way of doing this without
throwing the baby with the bathwater is to document the value and then
tell this form is subject to change without notice.  It is a very
simple solution that keeps both goals in our sights without losing any
of them.

If this results in client code that only functions when the current project backend is project-vc (and only the current version), but fails with all others, would you consider this a success?

but it doesn't give you any guarantee: after all, we need to make
sure project-switch-to-buffer's behavior makes sense for different
backends, even ones we didn't write.

Irrelevant: the information I added was about a single _existing_
backend.  If you have proposals how to say something sensible and
helpful about others, I'm all ears.

I have put some thorough descriptions in the grandparent email.

Instead, it seems we have to document that said value should uniquely
identify the returned project and be "stable": not change over time or
when fetched from different buffers belonging to the same project. That
also means that the value shouldn't contain any caches inside of it.

And once we add these requirements, the answer to "which projects are
equal" translates to:

- The backend is the same,
- The instances describe the same project, but the exact fashion depends
on the backend. As it would be anyway.

Of course, none of this is described anywhere in project.el.  It isn't
even clear what objects are part of the design, what are the
requirements from each object, how to establish of some arbitrary Lisp
object is "an instance of a project",

To draw an analogy to a long-established feature:

How do you determine that an arbitrary function is a "completion table"?

I'm not sure where you could put this particular bit of
information, where it would both be relevant and yet not obvious from
the nearby code, though.

_Any_ place is better than _no_ place.  "Not sure where to put" is not
the same as "let's not document this".

Right. That's why I chose these particular words. But let's not put that in the project-current's docstring.

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