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Re: Rethinking the design of xwidgets

From: Akira Kyle
Subject: Re: Rethinking the design of xwidgets
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 15:46:49 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 28.0.50

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 01:24 PM, Mingde (Matthew) Zeng <matthewzmd@posteo.net> wrote:

You might've already tried it (since you mentioned in the main thread), but I still want to point out that currently the Emacs Application Framework's PDF-viewer [1] is probably your go-to choice (for now) for best PDF rendering in emacs, as it uses muPDF in the shadow.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it doesn't currently support setting slices, inverting the pdf colors, or synctex.

As the maintainer of the EAF project, I have to point out that the original motivation for the existence of EAF was to enhance Emacs browser rendering, pdf rendering, and video rendering capabilites. The QGraphicsView was designed to span over the entire buffer to make it more emacsy, to fit the "one buffer, one major mode" idea. The choice was obvious when using EAF to view modern webpages, PDF, or videos. However EAF _doesn't have to_ stay this way, it is completely viable to embed the QGraphicsView inside a buffer.

It's not clear to me how one would go about doing that? There's the fact that Qt is C++ based and that AFAIU it relies on the window manager to behave properly in order to be placed in the right place.

I don't completely understand your opinion on why EAF is not very emacsy, I can see why it's not lispsy, but EAF is keyboard-oriented, highly extensible and customizable. It just didn't improve Emacs itself but decided to utilize other free software. The author of EAF, manateelazycat, thought that it would take quite a long time for Emacs to improve its graphical capabilites of rendering webpages or videos to the point of other modern software dedicated for these functionalities, and emacs-devel should prioritize on making Emacs a better text-based editing environment, then the EAF's job is simply extending Emacs to the world of modern graphics.

IMO the majority of what makes Emacs emacsy is being lispy, not necessarily that its keyboard-oriented. But yes I grant that EAF looks to be quite extensible.

I'm not a huge fan of Qt or C++ which has caused me to shy away from EAF. Also correct me if wrong, but it doesn't look like EAF has a path forward to running on wayland.

Nevertheless, I'm very interested to see how this xwidgets idea evolves.

Thanks, I really hope it ends up going somewhere.

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