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Re: [PATCH] Support "\n" in icomplete-separator

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Support "\n" in icomplete-separator
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2020 16:05:02 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

The exceptions are however orthogonal to the request to give applications the control on how the contents of the minibuffer should preferably be displayed: should it preferably start at the beginning of buffer (point-min), or should it preferably start at the beginning of the line on which the cursor is? ATM the latter behavior is the only possibility (except with the code I sent to Andrii yesterday).

The application has to make sure that when it asks for user input, the entire prompt can be seen in the minibuffer window without truncating lines.

Again I agree with you. Hence the request to have a way for the application to tell to Emacs: "please display the entire prompt (unless it's impossible to do so)". The code I sent to Andrii does does exactly that.

Emacs has to provide some reasonable minimum space for the minibuffer window - usually one canonical frame line. If an application asks for more than can be displayed in the minibuffer window, that application has a bug.

Alas, it is practically impossible to create a text that you can be sure will fit / be displayed entirely in the minibuffer window.

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