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Re: TIP - Cheap FOSS imap provider (Mail and Gnus after the Google/MS)

From: Mingde (Matthew) Zeng
Subject: Re: TIP - Cheap FOSS imap provider (Mail and Gnus after the Google/MS)
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 16:33:03 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Arthur Miller <arthur.miller@live.com> writes:

> I don't know how it ended up with that discussion about Gnus and mail in
> Emacs after announced switch to disable user/pass authentication in
> Gmaila and Outlook (hotmail/live), but there is some current trhead on
> /r/Emacs and someone posted a link yesterday to a provider named Posteo.
> No idea if it is well-known here, but they guarantee to be Foss, have
> been arround for several years now, and are relatively cheap (1€ for
> basic 2gig, 50meg attachments). Syncable calendar includded too.
> https://posteo.de/en/
> Observer that I am by no mean affiliated with them, not a custoner yet
> either, but will probably become.

I've been using Posteo for quite couple of months, since the pandemic started, 
though using mu4e & isync/mbsync. Posteo is indeed a good product (I do not 
work there).

For anyone interested in it, I can send my mu4e & isync configuration off-list, 
to get people started.


Mingde (Matthew) Zeng

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