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RE: [External] : [PATCH] Interpret #r"..." as a raw string

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : [PATCH] Interpret #r"..." as a raw string
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 18:27:22 +0000

> I introduce raw string using this architecture, if users put `#r`
> before string, Emacs reader interpret it as a raw string.
> Many programming language has a Raw string feature[^1], so I want to
> use raw string in Emacs-lisp.

Why?  Is the reason just because "many programming
languages" have a raw-string data type?  Why would
that, by itself, be a good reason for Emacs Lisp
to have such a data type?

I'm guessing you have some other reasons.  What?

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