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MacOSx fonts

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: MacOSx fonts
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2021 21:06:03 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)


Not sure this is the right list to ask, if not I apologize and would
appreciate a link to the correct one

On Linux my favorite fonts are 

DejaVu Sans Mono"

As in 
 '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "grey98" :foreground 
"black" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil 
:underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 160 :width normal :foundry 
"PfEd" :family "DejaVu Sans Mono")))))

As I said on MacOs 10.15 I have installed fink and therefore a X11
server. I installed the DejaVu fonts, and 

Lists them. 

However neither GNU emacs master compiled (or emacsformacosx for that
manner) use this font when I try the above setting, 

Is there any MacOS user on the list who could enlighten me, please.

Thanks and regards

Uwe Brauer 

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