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continuous-scroll in pdf-tools

From: dalanicolai
Subject: continuous-scroll in pdf-tools
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 15:12:53 +0100

I would like to inform you about my work on implementing continuous scroll in pdf-tools.
The work is almost done. Things seem to work perfectly fine when used in a single buffer,
but there are still some fixes to be made when displaying a book in multiple buffers (the basics are working, but there still is some weird behavior also).

I have also, first, tried to implement continuous-scroll in doc-view. But, although it was
easier to find out how things work in doc-view, it was more work to implement it there. Also,
it is more work to implement it in a clean way (separating the book.el and doc-view.el functionalities). Furthermore, to make the scrolling a pleasant experience in doc-view,
requires all kinds of extra optimizations. So finally, I gave up on finishing the implementation
in doc-view, and instead implemented it in pdf-view, where things work rather smooth.

I have the code more or less ready for merging into pdf-tools, but because the current
pdf-tools maintainer only has time to work on pdf-tools again in May, and because I worked
a lot on this, while I have no income, I am first releasing it via my previous [pdf-continuous-scroll-mode](https://github.com/dalanicolai/pdf-continuous-scroll-mode.el) package (to ask for donations), and therefore send it here in a single file.
Otherwise, I think it might be nicer to separate the 'bookroll' functionality in a separate file that can be used by both doc-view and pdf-tools (or add that functionality to doc-view, and make pdf-tools use those doc-view functions).

Anyway, I will attach the single pdf-continuous-scroll-mode.el file here, so anyone who is interested can load-the file and try out the continuous scrolling functionality.
I have added a quite 'rude' introduction pop-up buffer, but you can just close it and start scrolling.
However, if you'd like to be able to differentiate between different pages, then it might be
wise to read the first section of that introduction buffer. If you would like to read my
comments on the redisplay issue then also read the second section.

Finally, I do have a patch available for doc-view also, but I have no time to finish it up and
make it a clean patch (it simply costs me all too much time). Anyway, the patch is available
here (development was done mostly in the cleanup-bookroll-mode-and-continuous-scroll branch).

Although pdf-tools is not (yet) part of Emacs, I would be very happy with any feedback (or if somebody can quickly find the 'redisplay' issue).


Attachment: pdf-continuous-scroll-mode.el
Description: Text Data

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