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Re: master f117b5df4d: Add new functions eol and bol

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: Re: master f117b5df4d: Add new functions eol and bol
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 23:49:07 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:

> We could make the task less daunting by starting with something like:


> +(defalias 'point-at-eol #'line-end-position
> +  "Obsolete; use `point-eol' or `line-end-position' instead.")

Yes, I guess.  We could also just rename all the calls to point-at-eol
to line-end-position (etc) and obsolete the names for real.

It's some churn, but...  And then someone could audit all these calls at
leisure, if they want to.

By the way, I wasn't quite aware of how DWIM-ey the `end-of-line'
function is.  It also does the field stuff, but then:

  while (1)
      newpos = XFIXNUM (Fline_end_position (n));
      SET_PT (newpos);

      if (PT > newpos
          && FETCH_BYTE (PT_BYTE - 1) == '\n')
          /* If we skipped over a newline that follows
             an invisible intangible run,
             move back to the last tangible position
             within the line.  */

          SET_PT (PT - 1);
      else if (PT > newpos && PT < ZV
               && FETCH_BYTE (PT_BYTE) != '\n')
        /* If we skipped something intangible
           and now we're not really at eol,
           keep going.  */
        n = make_fixnum (1);

Now, the `C-e' command (`move-end-of-line') is another layer of
DWIM-ness on top of this...

I guess these things have evolved over time.

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