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Re: Emacs + bear + compile_commands.json + clangd

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: Re: Emacs + bear + compile_commands.json + clangd
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 07:39:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (darwin)

Matt Armstrong <matt@rfc20.org> writes:

> Hey João, I had issues with Emacs source and clangd, especially with
> header files.  The issue is that many of Emacs' C header files are not
> "self contained" so they can't be compiled alone.  Also, `bear` will
> only generate compile commands for .c files, and clangd uses
> heuristics to guess a compile command for nearby .h files.  It does a
> reasonable job in some projects, but not Emacs due to the "self
> contained" issue.  Biggest issue: when editing an .h file clangd won't
> include <config.h> for you.

I'm wondering how you use clangd.  Is this lsp-mode or eglot?  I'm using
lsp-mode ATM, just because I tried it first, and it worked for me.

> I now do this:
>     ./configure <whatever>
>     bear --force-wrapper -- make -j$CPUS
>     emacs-fixup-compile-commands.py
> where emacs-fixup-compile-commands.py is attached.  Bonus to anyone
> rewrites it in elisp.  ;-)

I've never had to use --force-wrapper or alter compile_commands.json.
My current version is bear 3.0.20, on macOS 12.6.  What's your system?


WRT to seamless, I have to add, for macOS: This was true for me with
Xcode 13, and is no longer with Xcode 14.  Both clangd and lldb crash
pretty frequently :-(.

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